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Three Tips to Help With Bad Credit Unsecured Personal Loans

Everyone struggles with credit problems at some point or another. For those who have bad credit, getting a loan when something comes up can be difficult. Bad credit unsecured loans can be harder to get especially if you have no credit.
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Discussion Comments:
October 29, 2012Two years ago I was scammed via an itnernet advertising under which I invested from my Sears Master Card account, and on my Visa account ( banks: Citi and One in Iowa) when I realized this might be a scam I started to implement a dispute action. The scame provider promissed to award me10,000 dollars within several months, foolishly, I bought it. Now both accounts are in default. I don't feel a need to correct my credit score which was 789. I'd like your suggestion about reinstituting the disput action. Frankly, I m less than disfatified with the help either of these two creditors offered. I have acquired a debit card from my credit union and have been making reguar payments toward a visa card from the cu. I'm now a widdowder living in the same house for over forty years. I was able to have my mortagage adjusted to 2% and have a tax free monthly income of $1,800. I really don't have a need for credit any longer, but I'd be interested in you comment regarding the feasability of reinstituting the dispute action. The scamer has flown the coop. If I could get it off my record I am in the process of a legimate home bas business, and could make negotiated recompanse to creditirs within eighteen months[]
Williedson    7/3/2014 2:48:47 pm

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